时间:13:30-17:20地点:夏苑-海晏堂一楼1号厅位置时间 议程 主持人/演讲嘉宾 Proj 101 - Improving Education in China John Hopcroft An Alternative View on AI: Collaborative Learning, Statistical Incentives, and Social Welfare Michael I. Jordan 大语言模型能否带来软件自动化的新机遇? 梅宏 如何实现人工智能在现实场景中的落地? 芮勇 -
CCF会士,联想集团高级副总裁、欧洲科学院外籍院士,ACM/IEEE Fellow
报告摘要:人工智能发展了将近60年,经历三次高潮和两次低谷。当前人工智能的飞速发展主要由大模型技术推动。与之前方法相比,大模型具有更强的任务迁移和领域泛化能力,开始广泛应用于生产和生活。人工智能的真正落地,需要场景规模化,需要处理边缘情况,需要产生业务价值。真实场景存在诸多约束,例如计算负载、内存消耗、传输带宽、运营成本、数据安全和用户隐私等等。通常,单个算法无法满足多重约束。类似于云计算领域发展出的混合云,我们将讨论人工智能领域的混合式人工智能。 混合式人工智能有很多维度,包括模型、数据、计算和基础设施。混合式模型可以兼顾传统模型的专用性和大模型的通用性。利用先验知识合成的数据与真实数据的混合可以弥补训练数据的不足。混合调度通用芯片和专用芯片的异构计算技术可以降低本地设备的任务延迟和提升服务器的吞吐量。云边端混合基础设施可以实现智能应用的负载均衡和多方协作。我们通过分析人工智能行业现有和即将出现的技术和产品来讨论这些混合维度,并从行业落地的角度讨论如何将人工智能应用于现实世界。
个人简介:芮勇博士是联想集团高级副总裁、联想集团最高决策机构(LEC)成员。在加入联想之前,他曾在微软工作18 年,任微软亚洲研究院常务副院长。芮勇博士是人工智能领域产学研三栖领袖。他获得技术专利100余项,领导20余项重大研发项目,是两家人工智能初创企业董事长。他是欧洲科学院外籍院士、中国计算机学会会士,中国人工智能学会会士, ACM,IEEE,IAPR,SPIE Fellow。芮勇博士获2018 ACM 多媒体技术成就奖,2016 IEEE 计算机学会技术成就奖等多项世界级大奖。
Michael I. Jordan
报告题目:An Alternative View on AI: Collaborative Learning, Statistical Incentives, and Social Welfare
报告摘要:Artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on a paradigm in which intelligence inheres in a single, autonomous agent. Social issues are entirely secondary in this paradigm. When AI systems are deployed in social contexts, however, the overall design of such systems is often naive---a centralized entity provides services to passive agents and reaps the rewards. Such a paradigm need not be the dominant paradigm for information technology. In a broader framing, agents are active, they are cooperative, and they wish to obtain value from their participation in learning-based systems. Agents may supply data and other resources to the system, only if it is in their interest to do so. Critically, intelligence inheres as much in the overall system as it does in individual agents, be they humans or computers. This is a perspective that is familiar in the social sciences, and a key theme in my work is that of bringing economics into contact with foundational issues in computing and data sciences. I'll emphasize some of the mathematical challenges that arise at this tripartite interface.
个人简介:Michael I. Jordan is a researcher at Inria Paris and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests bridge the computational, statistical, cognitive, biological and social sciences. Prof. Jordan is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Foreign Member of the Royal Society. He was the inaugural winner of the World Laureates Association (WLA) Prize in 2022. He was a Plenary Lecturer at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2018. He has received the Ulf Grenander Prize from the American Mathematical Society, the IEEE John von Neumann Medal, the IJCAI Research Excellence Award, the David E. Rumelhart Prize, and the ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award. In 2016, Prof. Jordan was named the "most influential computer scientist" worldwide in an article in Science, based on rankings from the Semantic Scholar search engine.
John Hopcroft
报告题目:Proj 101 - Improving Education in China
报告摘要:This talk will cover the creation, content, and implementation of Project 101 along with the positive impact on computer science teaching at the universities funded by the Ministry of Education. It will also discuss a potential second version to improve teaching at all universities in China. The highly ranked universities have quality programs but do not produce sufficient talent for China. The talk will propose a strategy to increase the production of talent.
个人简介:约翰·霍普克罗夫特(John Edward Hopcroft)教授,计算机科学家、教育家,中国科学院外籍院士,美国艺术与科学院、工程院和科学院院士,图灵奖获得者。中国政府“友谊奖”获得者,2023年度“中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖”获得者。现任美国康奈尔大学名誉教授、北京大学客座讲席教授、前沿计算研究中心主任。 霍普克罗夫特教授的研究领域是理论计算机科学。他将计算机科学萌芽阶段的零散结果总结为具有整体性的系统知识,提出用渐近分析作为衡量算法性能的主要指标,成为当今计算机科学的一大支柱。鉴于他在“算法及数据结构设计和分析方面的奠基性成就”,1986年他被授予图灵奖。而后,他积极探索并指出计算机科学的前瞻发展方向,在机器学习、并行计算和社会复杂网络方面做出一系列重要贡献。 霍普克罗夫特教授近十年来致力于推进我国计算机科学人才教育发展与改革;受国务院和教育部领导邀请,屡次为我国高等教育改革与发展献计献策。在他的倡议和教育部的推动下,计算机领域本科教育教学改革试点工作计划(101计划)在北京大学启动。该计划作为拔尖创新人才培养的筑基性工程,由教育部统筹,汇聚顶尖高校、顶尖师资、顶尖出版单位等各方资源,以课程、教材、教师和实践项目等基础要素建设,来带动教育教学系统改革。2023年4月,教育部启动数学、物理学、化学、生物科学、基础医学、中药学、经济学、哲学等领域的基础学科系列“101计划”。